Saturday, August 17, 2013

Enter: The SHADESMAN!!!!

SHADESMAN in the house!!!

As I welcome myself into the world of blogging, I can't help but wonder why the heck I didn't do this kind of thing sooner! They call me Shades, Chris Shades - actually, *I* called myself that first, due to the one-of-a-kind visor I wear that is the glasses equivalent of the One Ring.

Me being the genius I am, however, to get started I had to first look up the most important thing ever - "What is a blog?" Yep, seriously. Than I realized, blogging is, at its core, a rant. Ranting about life, liberty, and the pursuit of GIRLS!!!! Stuff I rant about out loud anyway... even when nobody's around. Progress has been made!

Many blogs simply focus on one topic; my personal yet public blogs will cover everything from my partying life to my gym routine, everything from my love life to my beach life. Where do I like to go? Who are my friends? Questions I'm STILL trying to come up with answers for!

As time goes on and I blog about relevant issues - such as the historical significance of the BOARDY BARN in the Hamptons - more obscure subject matter will also find its way into the light. Why not - A-Roid the baseball player is pretty obscure!

- The Shadesman